Bondage Fairies the mighty three piece from sweden are back with a new release on Audiolith. Including a remix by Der Tante Renate.They are hittin the road. Enjoy the "Happy Sauna Tour 2011". What a pleasure.When Bondage Fairies make a name for themselves for the very first time with their very unique musical mix of punk rock, indie pop and electro-clash with 8-bit sounds in 2006 the two Stockholm based musicians are not taken really seriously by many people. Despite or perhaps because of that the band stays an insider tip at the beginning – adored by some, laughed about by others. Songs like "He-Man," "Pink-Eye Paranoia" or "Indie Girl" are developing into real Undergound hits, which fans tinker their own videos to, and publish them on the web. This creates a fan base which is small, but loyal and spread over the entire globe. Especially in Eastern Europe is developing gradually a real Bondage Fairies hysteria.Maintained constantly and ongoing touring by the two Swedes helps more and more to get the status of a serious band. It seems as if more and more people understand that behind "Two guys with funny helmets make strange music" is way more to find than it may be assumed at first glance. All this is proofed by the second album „Cheap Italian Wine“ released in may 2009 on the German No.1 Electro-Punk Label. The songs are diverse and suddenly some media which had ignored them until constantly start deal with the band. New songs like "Zeta Reticuli" or „nv4.dll“ find many friends quickly and fit seamlessly into the live set. During the "Cheap Italian Wine“tour Bondage Fairies travel more kilometers than it needs for one time around the world. Nearly 100 gigs across Europe were played. Two sold out tours through Russia & Ukraine and four tours in Germany (some with Frittenbude, Egotronic, Bratze, etc..). The experiences found here, will once again have its way in the lyrics of songwriter Elvis Creep. The pre-published on the EP track "Shocked But Not Surprised" is based for example on a show in a Russian Swingers Club and other oblique tour matches. The single "1-0" is about breaking up and what happens afterwards.Also 2011 Bondage Fairies will keep touring constantly and conquer new countries and continents and take their to date yet-untitled album in the world beyond. First preview from this promise a veritable explosion of hits.