Nagel - Was kostet die Welt! Nagel made four short Episodes of his latest and second Novel "Was kostet die Welt" (published in Fall 2010 at Heyne/Randomhouse) to songs. All of tem were written and produced with former muff potter producer and longtime friend Nikolai Potthoff.From waking up jetlagged in Berlin ("5 Uhr 44"), over phantasies of violence and mayhem in a smalltown hairdresser´s shop ("Einen Abend Wahnsinn") and the memories of a romance in Israels mediterranean Metropolis ("Tel Aviv") to the longest track ("Quality Time"), in which the narrator´s long held back disgust and Weltschmerz erupts in a paranoid and hatedriven monologue.A very personal Interpretation of New Order´s classic "Bizarre Love Triangle" completes the record. It´s the favourite song of narrator Meise, which he can´t listen to on his trip to the Mosel, as he forgot his iPod at home in Berlin. Visit Nagel @ his dope website and he is on tour too. www.nagel2000.deGet the 10" including a Mp3 download of all songs via the audiolith webshop right HERE!!!