The third release from Egotronic’s upcoming album "You’re no better" is electropunk at the height of time and in the best sense of word creation: fast, teary and raw on the face! The perfect mix of the two worlds punk and electro. This time, the text is being shot against a very special unsympathetic: if the Greens once stood up to turn parliamentary democracy around on the left and ecologically, they have now mutated into a bunch of eco-conservatives who have consistently moved further to the right. moved. So it was only a matter of time before one of them made a furore with racist theories. The SPD has its Sarrazin, the Greens their Boris and that is reason enough to mock the latter for 2 minutes and 49 seconds.
As a double-A-side there is a mesmo remix of the Egotronic song "Violence", in which none other than Andreas Dorau has taken over part of the vocals. Quote Torsun: "Andreas Dorau sings Egotronic? So, really and truly, everything I had dreamed of when The band was founded would have been achieved! Much love to Mesmo for that!"
Animation by Haron Barashed
Egotronic - You are no better (Album, 13.09.19)
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Egotronic live
Left-backed Uncultour
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presented by DIFFUS Magazin, Plastic Bomb Fanzine, OxFanzine, livegigs, taz & Plus1