Fuzz Galaxy Buzz Debut-EP “First Blood” is going to wash your head. Constantly asking one single, big question: “Am I allowed to dance on this!?” Fuzz Galaxy Buzz plays around with all the leftovers from theprimetime of eurodance he could find in his blurry childhood memories. Big melodies on cheesy synthesizers. It’s not only titles like “Fresh Horses” or “Skytracker” reminding you of good, old times, the tracks themselves are frequently roadtripping to summer vacation camps of 1996. The real exciting part begins when that pinch of nostalgig techno-references falls into a pot of cut’n’paste electronica, exploding in a firework of discodancing ravebangers. Throw away your D&G sunglasses, rub the hair gel ot of your head - “First Blood” has no time for style-questions. So the answer to our question is clear: YES, you can dance - correction: you HAVE to. But please be careful: these tracks are spinning upwards until your usual dance-move-repertoire just doesn’t fit the euphoria anymore. Kids at home: nail down your furniture! Bookers in the clubs: no glass bottles allowed!